Toddlers Flashcards is designed for toddlers and preschoolers to help them learn new words and expand their vocabulary.
With its engaging and entertaining interface (high-quality, real-life pictures) kids can choose different categories and learn at their own pace.
- High-quality, real-life pictures
- Native speaker voice-over
- Simple and intuitive interface: select a category, flip the pages. That simple!
- Over 20 different categories from “Numbers” and “Letters” to “Birds”, “Safari”, “US Presidents” and many more
- Over 4000 cards in multiple languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Persian, Japanese)
- Ability to run the cards in slideshow mode
- Ability to turn audio (voice narration) on/off
- Ability to select your language of preference
- New flashcard sets and languages are easily discoverable from within the application
We are keep adding new categories and new languages.